
Bexson Biomedical’s research evolved a game-changing formulation capable of invigorating ANY existing or future drug with an ionizable nitrogen.

New formulation protections in the bio-pharma space are an exception, especially those applicable across a galaxy of chemical scaffolds.

Magnified Potential

The combination of IP and a first-in-class delivery platform gives Bexson multiple avenues for success: Bringing their internal drug pipeline to market and leveraging SeValent™ for co-development within licensing partnerships.

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“...I believe Bexson’s formulation technology is a significant breakthrough that will allow small molecule therapies to be delivered subcutaneously in an efficient and efficacious manner,” commented Dr. Langer.

“In addition, the application of SeVALENT™ formulation technology to a broad platform of therapies has the opportunity to greatly alleviate the burden of high costs while supporting patient preference.”

Robert S. Langer

• Co-Founder of Moderna (Nasdaq: MRNA) and David H. Koch Institute Professor at MIT
• Member of Bexson Biomedical, Inc. Scientific Advisory Board

“I see this as the future of Ketamine treatment in psychiatry. A form of Ketamine that offers higher efficacy with ease of implementation would ultimately increase the number of psychiatrists that adopt the treatment. Patients would ultimately be better served by the provider that they already know…”

Sandhya Prashad, MD

American Society of Ketamine ProvidersASKP3

"Bexson’s automated approach to controlled subcutaneous delivery can bring the efficacy of highly established IV standards to psychiatric offices, but without the procedural burden that limits adoption.”

Bill Carson

Former President & CEO of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization

"I’ve watched the Bexson founders and team from the start of their mission, tracking their vision and strategy as they developed and expanded their formulation IP and delivery platform over the last few years. Bexson’s innovations create a new pathway for the safe and controlled administration of several parenteral medications, potentially transforming the care of debilitating medical and mental health conditions.” 

Itai Danovitch, MD, MBA

Chairman, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, CA

“I followed Bexson closely after meeting Dr. Jeffrey Becker, Bexson Co-Founder and CSO. Dr. Becker is a true visionary founder, physician, and biochemist. He personally helped me hack my own health for dramatically positive results and I consider him an authoritative source on clinical pharmacology.“

Benjamin Rolnilk

Director of Stanford’s Healthcare Innovation Lab